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CertNexus Certificate Training from Learnovate


CertNexus is the global purveyor of vendor neutral, emerging technology certifications and micro-credentials for IT, business, and security professionals. CertNexus’ exams meet the most rigorous development standards possible, which outline a global framework for developing personnel certification programs to narrow the widening skills gap. CertNexus partners with highly knowledgeable and talented industry experts to ensure the integrity and quality of each exam, with all exams following a rigorous development process.


Why CertNexus?

CertNexus understands that the success of an organization depends upon all its people. We build certifications and micro-credentials for your entire staff encompassing three essential concepts: THINK. BUILD. SECURE.

THINK: empower decision makers, executives, and project managers to lead, design, and put emerging technology into practice

BUILD: expand IT and development professionals’ skills to create and implement innovative solutions

SECURE: extend IT and cybersecurity professionals’ competencies to protect your investments


Why Certify

The value of certifications and micro-credentials to companies and individuals are increasing as the pace of technology quickens. Certifications help employers identify prospective new hires, evaluate job performance, and invest in staff by directing professional development opportunities.

For an individual, it provides assurance that they have the competency to be successful with the latest technologies, demonstrates that they are committed to their profession, and assists in receiving coveted projects.

With micro-credentials, organizations can now ensure that business leaders and project managers have the necessary knowledge to lead projects and make informed decisions. Whether providing introductory information, a deeper dive in a specialized area, or compliance training, micro-credentials are right-sized for the need – validating focused knowledge.


Find the CertNexus Certification courses below;




Contact Information

Eco Bank Towers, 4th Floor Muindi Mbingu Street
P. O. Box 21857 - 00100 Nairobi

Mob: +254 780 342 333, +254 202 246145, 2246154 

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